Saturday, December 15, 2007

Dancer Seeking Audience

I am in a Christmas Musical- not the organized kind, but the variety show "ya never know what you're gonna get" kind.

We're performing in a decorated gym and the money all goes to local schools...

And we've sold out- to amazing, energetic crowds!

I wake up feeling geriatric, not sure if I should get out of bed or not. I am beyond feeling sore- the soreness has seeped into a creaking in my bones- especially my hips. It makes me feel way less sexy and young than I appear to be while dancing.

I also am bummy during the day but feel AMAZING and high while dancing. I'm gonna need some balance STAT!

Last night I was asked to be involved in this year's Spring musical- last year they did "Joseph and His Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat".

I guess I need to find out what they mean by "Spring"- because I'm already producing the "Compassion Unleashed"-now national- Conference in May.

Some may wonder why I do so much- is it ambition? the inability to say "no"? too intense? But I think that all those responses miss something major- I am having fun and I am exploring many artistic mediums- not just the ones that benefit them.

I express something different when in each medium: When I dance, I express my fun, silly, and girly side and soak in the audiences energy. When I act, I express my imagination, explore situations and recall sensations from my body. When I paint- I express connection between ideas floating around in my head within a peaceful immediacy. When I direct, I express love and trying to bring out the best in someone. When I produce, I express power and my ability to perfect, organize and create with a big vision. When I make music, I express raw emotions, hidden parts of my heart, and connect them with the hearts of others. When I write, I release my inner world, a little.

So, as you can see- I'm not really a people pleaser. I'm actually quite narcissitic. But a dancer cannot survive without her audience- and I love them for it.

1 comment:

Charlie said...

I have bad dreams in which I'm required to dance in front of people.
One [wo]man's fancy is another [wo]man's night terror.

Not that it stops me from enrolling Baby C in ballet class next month or wearing spandex with reckless abandon.