Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Man Who Might Change My Life

Sounds important yeah?
But he wears a title unassuming.
He is The Ice Cream Man.

I met him last night at Noise Pop's opening party.

I asked him why he was giving me free ice cream- and also if it was filled with Ruffies.

He told me he basically got fed up with what he was doing and convinced himself he could do anything with his life. And by "anything", he means traveling around the country, handing out free ice cream and reviewing music. He has corporate sponsors like Levi backing him and gotten donations from jakprints and ice cream companies.

So how good are his reviews? You can decide for yourself here:

I can vouch the ice cream is good. I got a strawberry bar that said "Mexico" all over it. It was wonderful. =)

I was just thinking that was a cool way to do life. I've been fed up with all these things I've been filling my life with and here is a guy handing out ice cream for a living- cuz it's fun!

I totally hugged him.

He's thinking about doing a documentary on what he does and I told him I own a production company and would TOTALLY tour with him.
I guess we'll see...

You can see videos of him here:

Oh & I asked him what music he plays in his ice cream truck. His said he has a friend that makes him music but the old skool dinky kind is the best. You can hear what's he's thumpin these days on his website (see above).

Don't you want to do something else with your life now? =)
I know I do!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


You are a Riddle with no answers,
A Puzzle with no pieces;
A Star fallen from the heavens
To form a crater in my chest.
A Whisper on a vapor
In a land that has no time.
A Promise and a Twinkle
That keeps my heart in rhythm.
The Glimmer in the moonlight,
The Sparky in the fire,
The Dance that keeps my scatterbrain
Snapping an unlearned song.
You are the Wind in the branches
That moves my arms, Invisible.
You're in the moonlight and the ice,
That Blue Sorrow that keeps throbbing.
You're dancing on the waters,
Teaching me to dip and twirl.
You're the Perfect Lover
My heart searches the world for:
A Jester walking a tight rope
Between buoyant living
And a dream of a dream
(Where I like to vacation).
A Muse and a Protector
With very absorbent arms.
The Fire in my chest
Where the hole used to be;
A Riddle with no answers,
A Puzzle with no pieces.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


I'd like to fly forever:
To reach the stardust,
To grab a fist of dreams,
To touch God's bonnet;
I'd throw it down to Earth,
So they'd finally "see the light".

It'd be my final creation
And I'd never look back.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


It seems inevitable as a creative individual that people will give you room and liberty to dream and then chop your metaphorical balls off-
Poop on your heart, if you will...

Enter the conceptual idea orphanage.

Meet orphan "Gals Getaway Video".

A damn cool idea- do a retro B Movie trailer to motivate people to go on a estrogen-rich retreat.
I was told I'd have a month to produce something great.
I took the bait- ate the dangling carrot, despite my tired-eyed intuition...
What they didn't tell me was that it would take THREE of those FOUR weeks to APPROVE a fairly easy concept (it's a known genre, for crying out loud!).
And now I'm getting bitched at for not wrangling FREE actors and filmmakers to make something IN A FREAKIN WEEK!
Gonna give em the finger... gonna... almost...
Here's the PG version...

Am I a capable producer? Yes.
Will I make crap? No wanna...

The orphanage is opening its doors to the abandoned dreams and ideas...

Apparently I need a new muse.
A quick turn-around, fast-thinking, corporate muse... ya know, a whore.
Yeah, pissed off today.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Post Wedding

Boo Baptist Teetotaling Reception! Hurray Weirdo Acalapulco Karaoke Birthday Party we crashed...
Wedding AND Birthday Cake? Can't complain...
Chaz will eat his umbrella if you'll let him dance!

At least we're hot...

And fun...

But seriously, there's a reason why Jesus' first miracle was changing water into wine at a wedding...

What's Goin On...

We out-sang the poor girl doing karaoke.
If you look closely, you can actually see me smack Auburn!