Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Man Who Might Change My Life

Sounds important yeah?
But he wears a title unassuming.
He is The Ice Cream Man.

I met him last night at Noise Pop's opening party.

I asked him why he was giving me free ice cream- and also if it was filled with Ruffies.

He told me he basically got fed up with what he was doing and convinced himself he could do anything with his life. And by "anything", he means traveling around the country, handing out free ice cream and reviewing music. He has corporate sponsors like Levi backing him and gotten donations from jakprints and ice cream companies.

So how good are his reviews? You can decide for yourself here:

I can vouch the ice cream is good. I got a strawberry bar that said "Mexico" all over it. It was wonderful. =)

I was just thinking that was a cool way to do life. I've been fed up with all these things I've been filling my life with and here is a guy handing out ice cream for a living- cuz it's fun!

I totally hugged him.

He's thinking about doing a documentary on what he does and I told him I own a production company and would TOTALLY tour with him.
I guess we'll see...

You can see videos of him here:

Oh & I asked him what music he plays in his ice cream truck. His said he has a friend that makes him music but the old skool dinky kind is the best. You can hear what's he's thumpin these days on his website (see above).

Don't you want to do something else with your life now? =)
I know I do!!!


Ria said...

oh man, he was at coachella in 05 when i went... though i don't recall meeting him, just some people he more than likely knew taking pictures and handing out... magnets, i believe?

...they were actually kinda rude. aggressive and very pushy about taking our photo, i mean. nice to know he's a cool sort, and awesome to find out mroe about him!

his website at the time said very little about him, and i had no idea he handed out ice cream, or that it was how he made his living! completely awesome.

aurora bender said...

this is AMAZING! i love it. what a great way to live.

Charlie said...

I liked everything about him but those scary glasses.

Raquel said...

oh. my. god.
i am in love.
this is what i need to do- think so completely outside the boxes that the boxes explode and one day i find myself handing out free dulces surrounded by children in th sunshine...
wanna hang out?