Sunday, June 8, 2008

Thank God...

... I have a place to live!
Not just any place- a super fabulous place.
I will be moving to the 1 bdrm. guest house on my family's property which is currently, happily acting as studio/photography/craft storage for various members of my family.
This means as it gets cleaned out, i may get cool things- like today, for example, i got a freaking drafting table! A "light" one, no less with storage!
I get free cable, utilities, and internet.
How much is a 1 bedroom on Newport with all these perks and more?

I forsee bills paid, art supplies purchased and traveling in my near future...

Especially with "The Red Paintings"... since Trash told me last night they are MOVING TO L.A.!!! They are going to have "Animal Rebellion Marches" here in the states and I plan to help out! How fun! Trash will dress up like Noah and lead the Rebellion like this:

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