Sunday, June 15, 2008

Alice in Superstition Land Event!

This is totally stolen from miss "Giovenetta". I will put up many pics on my art blog, but I wanted to give you a sense behind the piece... This just sumarizes the whole thing way better than I could have explained it... I am searching for video footage so you all can hear how AMAZING she was!!! UH! SOOOO love painting to her opera vocaliciousness!!! It was great to paint an actual model and Tony's rendition of "Jabberwocky" was downright delicious! Rawr, people, RAWR!

I think Gio summarized what it meant to collaborate with artists in other mediums well. She said, "I didn't have to hold back. When you sing in choirs, everyone has to hold back for the good of the group. But here, you singing out, being your original self was for the good of the group."

I LOVED that!

BTW, I also need to give a major shout out to the Red Paintings for giving me an ultra booster of inspiration this last month! You guys are FABULOUS!!!

...Thanks Gio for this:


Alice in Superstition Land Event! Pics!!!
Check my picture album~

I had the AMAZING opportunity to sing Gretel exerpts from the opera Hansel & Gretel for a collaborative art event called: "I'm Late", conceptualized and organized by Trina Merry.

It was really an awesome experience.

She showed her canvas art on the side of the room consisting of striking Geishas painted specifically to raise money the Haiti missions trip she is undergoing in only a few weeks! She did one canvas every day for an entire week.

(That's a lot of creative energy and work!) Go Trina-Woman!!!
Not to mention SHE'S GOING TO HAITI!

Anyhow, where I fit into this picture is just a small piece, but significant to me. She and I entered the audience carrying the White Rabbit on a stretcher, debilitated by the somthing that bound him.

After setting the stretcher down, Trina invited the Rabbit out of his paralysis where all are able to see the clocks that are tied around his waist. They are all set to 3am.

Apparently this particular Rabbit is bound by a fear which had been paralyzing him. The clocks signify that fear. It is a superstition about 3am. (BTW- this event occured on Fri the 13th, hence the focus on superstition) After the Rabbit was revived, Trina proceeded to envigorate him using color, by painting and I by singing. I sang the Gretel exerpts because the lyrics and music embodies the message of awakening from a dream to a refreshed state of being.

Trina continued to paint Kate's, our White Rabbit, entire body save shorts and waistcoat.

During the last half hour I got to help, by Trina's invitation, along with several others!

Check out the pics in my new album titled: Alice in Superstition Land, to see Trina's ( and my ^-~) body painting and her GORGEOUS gallery art!
Oh, and both of us dressed up as Alice, w/ our own respective rabbits.

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