Friday, March 28, 2008

Quirky, Veeeeery Quirky.

Am I quirky? Some would just call me flat out weird, but they really love me for it. I think that's nice. It makes me feel really loved to be known, quirks and all, and still treasured. Makes me feel special. So, since Charlie, one of my favorite quirky of quirkies, who can finish my weird thoughts for me, asked to hear 6 non-important things/habits/quirks about myself, I will oblige. Charlie's oh so cool quirky blog inspired a bit of honesty on my part...

Slight tangent, one of my best friends, Sarah, introduced me to the song "That Time" by Regina Spektor with... "You HAVE to hear this song! It reminds me so much of you!"

"Hey remember that month when I only ate boxes of tangerines...So cheap and juicy! ...tangerines."


Some quirks...

1) I am cuddly, almost like clockwork, at 10pm. No matter where I am, I will suddenly be more touchy. I am also ridiculously cuddly for about 15 minutes when I wake up. My former cat LOVED this and waited until I woke up so she could stroke my hair with her paws, lovingly look into my eyes and start purring.

2) I am ridiculously in love with the smell of cloves. I used to chain smoke 5 of them in a row just for the smell! (And now have smog and fiberglass asthmatic lungs. yay!) I will gravitate to wherever the smell of cloves is and scour the Internet, health and spa stores for clove essential oil (actually difficult to find) cuz I think it makes a superior perfume. I am told it stimulates the circulation (and creativity) which makes sense to me because I am perpetually cold and in search of anything warm in the vicinity (see #4).

3) I wear beaded bracelets because I like to move them, almost like prayer beads, when I walk. I pretty much always like to have something in my hands and prefer to be on the move. I also should say that, while I'm walking or on the move, I avoid tall straight lined fences that cast distorted long lined shadows on the sidewalk. For some reason, that really makes me feel weird. I'm much more comfortable with circles, like beads and bracelets and chain linked fences, then lines.

4) I am almost always cold. If you are almost always warm, I'll probably be sitting right close to you, as close as I can socially pull off, cuz I'm freezing. This is even more true at night. I sleep with a space heater right next to me. When I was a little girl my sister would crawl in bed with me around 2 in the morning cuz she would get so hot she couldn't sleep and I would absorb all her heat. I'm sure theres something to that physically, something that can be scientifically explained, but for the meantime, I'm just drawn to people that are warm. If there's a fire in the room, I'll be right in front of it until my pants start to smoke...

5) Speaking of weird physical things, I just found out that I have larger than normal (substantially so) optical nerves. So much so that the optomotrist says they have to keep checking them, keep them under observation, just in case it "grows" to glacoma someday. But for now, it's just the way my eyes are, more sensitive. I've always known I had larger than normal pupils. They almost never need to give me those eye drops cuz my eyes naturally take in a lot of light. So why is this weird? Cuz I'm an artist and very sensitive to light and color. I used to read in the dark. It fascinates me that God would make me that way, like physically design me to be an artist. Or, I guess some could argue that I evolved that way and some people end up evolved into artists or poets. But is that true? Can you be more physically pre-disposed to live one way? Charlie says she thinks I have secret superpowers. She definitely might be onto something...
It's probably more like a talent you have to work at. For example, I also have ridiculously good hearing. Like I can hear what people are saying across a house. And I also have long skinny fingers- a freak genetic accident cuz no one in my family has fingers like mine. People predicted I would be a phenomenal piano player, but I just didn't develop that skill as much as other musical instruments, so I never became a great pianist... but maybe I could have been. So, I don't really know what's quirkier here, the fact that I have these bodily quirks or the obsessive fascination I have in analyzing them...

6) If my nails aren't well manicured, I don't feel pretty. I feel like a slob. Nobody ever REALLY told me this makes you slobby, and I don't really think that when I look at other peoples chipping nail polish, but I can't stand looking at my own screwy nails... by the same token, I think paint splattered all over my hands after painting is even prettier. I also think that people writing or paintings on my arms or body might be one of the funnest things ever.

Tag stratagem: I will tag Shannon, Jon and Raquel because I am SUPER interested to see what they will put down as their quirks... you creative funnys you...

1. link to the person who tagged you.
2. post the rules.
3. share 6 non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4. tag at least 3 people.
5. make sure the people you tagged know you tagged them by commenting to them.

1 comment:

Charlie said...

That is the only thing that I have ever smoked. A clove cigarette. And I didn't care for it. But I liked the way it gave me a reason to loiter around outside.
And I have always loved the sublime quality of chipped nail polish. I actually like it on myself (not on my toes so much) but just like my dirty feet, I know it something that's frowned upon, so I'm conflicted about it.