Thursday, March 20, 2008

Easter, Nephew, Photoshop-BAH!

Up late tonight Xacto-ing contact paper on pretty birch; making some version of Aaron as Lazurus and ALSO some version of Aaron as Jesus, resurrected, pulling Lazarus up from the dead. Whatever that means- mostly I'm SO happy to have a real model.

Today Charlie blew my mind with photoshop. She saved me from a fate worse than death cuz you can see, in advance, what your painting could look like in different colors. Let's just say my ideas of making a contemporized Icon look pop-esqe would have been a painful choice. Thank you Charlie. (To be performed on Sunday- pictures to follow).

Finally saw Angela and baby Calvin (NOW ONE!) after nearly a month. Calvin is eating real food (Mickey Mouse pancakes!), has more teeth and curls and is kinda walking. Oh, and all that death metal Daddy listens too has seeped in- I have one growling, monster nephew!

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