Tuesday, February 12, 2008


It seems inevitable as a creative individual that people will give you room and liberty to dream and then chop your metaphorical balls off-
Poop on your heart, if you will...

Enter the conceptual idea orphanage.

Meet orphan "Gals Getaway Video".

A damn cool idea- do a retro B Movie trailer to motivate people to go on a estrogen-rich retreat.
I was told I'd have a month to produce something great.
I took the bait- ate the dangling carrot, despite my tired-eyed intuition...
What they didn't tell me was that it would take THREE of those FOUR weeks to APPROVE a fairly easy concept (it's a known genre, for crying out loud!).
And now I'm getting bitched at for not wrangling FREE actors and filmmakers to make something IN A FREAKIN WEEK!
Gonna give em the finger... gonna... almost...
Here's the PG version...

Am I a capable producer? Yes.
Will I make crap? No wanna...

The orphanage is opening its doors to the abandoned dreams and ideas...

Apparently I need a new muse.
A quick turn-around, fast-thinking, corporate muse... ya know, a whore.
Yeah, pissed off today.


Charlie said...

Yeah, enough is enough, right?

Things have gotta change 'round here.

We need to draw up some guidelines or something for our services.

And in the meantime, we also need to write a guest blog post for Church Marketing Sucks website...

Trina Merry said...

Im in.