Saturday, April 19, 2008

Artist Quarters

Pics from last night's performance at Artist Quarters.
Thanks to canvas Dan Eisinger, the folks putting on Artist Quarters and all the inspiring artist and musicians!

The idea I had was to do 7 of these to represent the days of creation. But, with only two days to plan my new idea, I decided to keep it simple and do one:

"Let There Be Light"
Acrylic on Human
Approximately 6'

After the initial "ooo a tribal man" and "what the..." I got a lot of "that is the COOLEST thing I have ever seen" and "I love watching you paint"...

Yeah I took a risk doing this at Westgate (I'm not really sure WHY, but I guess it's unusual), but hopefully more people will be encouraged to jump out of those boxes...

1 comment:

Charlie said...

A round of applause for Dan, who allowed himself to be scantily clad in public in the name of art.