Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving Check UP

So Thanksgiving was yesterday, if you didn't notice.
And with Thanksgiving comes this slew of thoughts for me...

Thoughts like:

Why is this the grossest holiday created?

Think about it- the day that celebrates gluttony, followed by the day that celebrates consumerism and overspending (Hmmm... Credit Card debt with a side of "maybe mom will like this... maybe?"). , followed by murder a tree day, followed by Pray-to-Jesus-for-forgiveness for your stupid weekend-Day...


Why hang onto dumb traditions- I rarely have fun with my family on these kinds of occassions. I find that weird- I have fun with them the day before and the day after- but holidays feel formal in the not so fun way. I end up feeling bored and resentful, quiet and in my own Trina Universe where people don't ask you if you eat "Tofurkey" because they think they're funny and clever when really they're just ignorant and picking on you b/c they don't want to be there either!

Why is it fun to stare at a stuffed bird's ass?
Why is it fun to eat your brains out then sit for a long time, sleepy, with the people that know how to annoy you the most?

Thanksgiving's boring and I can't figure out how...

"stuffing yourself" = "Thankfulness".

WHY NOT> have a hotel room bash with friends? Play music? Stay home and make art? Go see a movie before everyone else does? Skip the dinner dulldrums and go hiking with your fam? Repaint your toe nails?

Seriously, I'm not so much a fan of what holidays have become.

I like Halloween. You get to dress up and go dancing.

I used to L.O.V.E!!! Christmas! I would create dramas, dances and poetry for my (obedient) siblings and I to perform for the family. We'd dress up in pretty dresses and go to the Four Seasons and twirl like princesses! There was a mystery then, a tangible sense of magic. I'd like that back, thank you very much...

I don't want to toot my own horn here, but I prefer to show people I'm thankful for them often and buy them things as I think of them b/c you never know when you're gonna die or THEY'RE gonna die and you can say those things anymore... so I get pissed off at all this pre-fabricated holiday B.S. that was primarily created to help companies stay in business during the cold winter months...

Holidays are almost always the most lonely days of the year. I don't get that either. I can be in a room full of 30 people- people I love, people I want to hang with, and I'll still be stuck in this intense longing.

Sum up, Trina, Sum up...

I guess I'd rather be filled with contentment than Turkey on Thanksgiving.


Raquel said...


Shannon said...

preach it my friend, preach it!

Unknown said...

My family ALWAYS goes hiking after the feast. It definitely keeps the turkey coma away. :)

Charlie said...

this comment is meat-free:

you are now linked on my blog.

(but not sausage-links-kind-of-link, just the regular link)

((I laugh at my own jokes))