Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Letter to No One #1

I wake up in a cold sweat
Dreaming of memories never created
I still feel your skin
Surrounding my skin
I still feel your whispers
Crawling down my neck
I still feel two minds
Touching each other

Was it ever safe to open the eye of my soul?

I feel you steady beside me
But I'm waiting for you to bolt.
We travelled to so many worlds
And survived the planet Earth together
Without barely moving at all.

I've said goodbye so many times
And "I hate you's" become a lullaby
But when my eyes close
And my body surrenders to:

The truth of a heart still beating
The electricity of a brain still pulsing
The gentleness of a spirit still singing

I find you there.

AND I: Wake Up.
AND I: Shower off the memories.
AND I: Start another painful day without you.